ATOZ & Legitech series Bitcoin & co.

Bitcoin & co series 2023

We're hosting, in partnership with Legitech, a two-part briefing series looking into bitcoin & co, presented by our Tax Partner and Head of Transfer PricingOliver R. Hoor, and ATOZ Services' Partner, Jérémie Schaeffer



The past few years have seen rapid growth in crypto assets which are digital assets recorded on a distributed ledger. The success of bitcoin and Co. has not escaped the public eye and crypto assets seem to be more than ever on the edge of mass adoption. Following a bull market in 2020 and 2021, and a bear market in 2022, it is expected that better times are ahead in 2023 and 2024.

More recently, financial institutions and asset managers developed new investment products, payment service providers include crypto currencies in their payment platforms and multinational groups are allocating cash to digital assets as a hedge against inflation. Governments and regulators around the world have a close look at crypto with a view to introduce regulation, and in some cases adopt crypto as legal tender.




31 May - Bitcoin & Co: Understanding the business case of crypto assets

This session, presented by Oliver R. Hoor, provides an overview of the world of crypto assets, how investments may be made and considers the business case and future potential of a young asset class that is here to stay.



  1. Introduction
  2. What are crypto assets?
  3. The past performance of bitcoin & co
  4. How to invest into crypto assets?
  5. Considering the business case of crypto assets
  6. Concluding remarks


More information and registration here



(Postponed) - Investing into Bitcoin & Co: Accounting, tax and regulatory considerations

How are crypto assets treated from an accounting and tax perspective? What is the regulatory environment applicable to funds investing into crypto assets? And what is the new EU reporting framework applicable to crypto assets (CARF, DAC8)? All these questions will be addressed during this second session presented by Oliver R. Hoor and Jérémie Schaeffer




  1. Introduction
  2. Accounting considerations
  3. Tax considerations
  4. Regulatory considerations
  5. Considerations regarding CARF and DAC8
  6. Concluding remarks


The future date will be announced soon.