Breakfast Conference - Structurings Funds in Luxembourg post-Brexit

London Briefing

Structuring Funds in Luxembourg Post-Brexit

ATOZ Tax Partner Oliver R. Hoor will be speaking along side experts from Osborne Clarke and Sedlo Luxembourg Law Firm during a breakfast session exploring the legal, regulatory and tax developments impacting UK fund managers wishing to locate alternative investment funds in Luxembourg.

The speakers will present an overview of the UK and Luxembourg requirements and practical insights as relevant to UK fund managers looking to Luxembourg as part of their Brexit structuring

Speakers include:

  • Oliver R. Hoor, Partner at ATOZ Tax Advisers Luxembourg
  • Helen Parsonage, Partner at Osborne Clarke UK
  • Adrian Sedlo, Founding Partner at Sedlo Law Firm Luxembourg (financial law specialists)

Detailed schedule:

08:30 - Registration and breakfast

09:00 - Introduction and overview of Brexit issues for UK AIFMs

09:20 - Legal substance requirements in Luxembourg

09:55 - Tax developments impacting Alternative Investments in Luxembourg

10:30 - Coffee and Networking


ATOZ Speaker
External Speaker
Helen Parsonage (Osborne Clarke), Adrian Sedlo (Sedlo Law Firm)